Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Catching up

So yeah, I missed a few days... my bad. To sum up what happened:

- Fantasy football team ate it last second, despite what appeared to be a miraculously horrible game by Eli Manning, Le'Ron McClain's unrecorded fumble became recorded and my win unrecorded into a recorded loss. :(

- Caught up on some Netflix and a bunch of DVR movies and shows, which was primarily due to not really doing anything else and also having gone grocery shopping so I can sit on the couch and eat all day like a perfect American! ...Also my Netflix reviewer rank finally went up again. Yesssssssss.

- Went to lunch at my coworker's house but was very hungover and couldn't enjoy it as much as I wanted to. Almost threw up and/or violently shit about a dozen times. Faaaaantastic.

So basically today marks the final debate between the old guy and the black guy, so that should be interesting. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing somebody break character... or at least, I hope they do.

I found this online today and it made me sad. This guy is a full fledged gaming (WoW) addict, to the point where he doesn't even seem to want friends in a game that is MADE so you can make them, play, talk and interact with them. He also spends over $5000 a year in just subscription fees, not to mention costs of expansions, possible upgrades to the computers and TIME WASTED. What the hell is happening to people these days that makes them isolate themselves to the point where they spend thousands of dollars to circumvent having to actually meet, make or interact with friends or just people who most assuredly share your interest because they PAY to be involved in the exact same thing? I don't get it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Oh man, it gets hard to write everyday when there's nothing going on... and of course, when I don't expect anyone to call or want to do anything, EVERYBODY calls to hang out, and I miss it all, while I do absolutely nothing. I hate how that goes. Life is retarded.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Another day, another debate

So tonight marks another of this season's fabulous debates and I do believe it could be the finest yet. All the stars will be out, wearing the most glamorous outfits and dining on the world's most expensive oysters and caviar, waiting to see who takes home this years coveted presidential office award. I know I'll be there, drinking for every "change" and "America". More news on that as it develops.

On a side note, I did end up losing my fantasy football game and fell into second place because Drew Brees apparently owes money to too many bookies and threw the game. What a fuck! Oh well, there's always next week.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Go Drew Brees, GO!

So I was watching some football yesterday, keeping an eye on my fantasy team when lo and behold, a highlight comes up wherein the quarterback of my team, Trent Edwards (whom I replaced Jay Cutler of the Broncos with at the last second, due to speculation of better performance) was struck in the head and chest, momentarily knocked unconscious and carted off the field with a concussion. At that point, I pretty much kissed any hope of winning this week goodbye, wished Trent Edwards the best through the aether and watched what turned out to be a few pretty entertaining games of football. So, I've decided to start going with my gut and common sense instead of listening to all the stupid hype these guys try to sell me. I was doing just fine before I took their advice. But if Drew Brees has a good game tonight, I may yet end up in 1st place for another week, despite my loss. Cross your fingers for him and me that he doesn't get knocked on his ass too. And yeah, I'm addicted to fantasy football now... all I can say in my defense is... better this than cigarettes!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin says it all

So as far as last night's debate goes... A quote from Sarah Palin -

"Also, John McCain's maverick position that he's in, that's really prompt up to and indicated by the supporters that he has. Look at Lieberman, and Giuliani, and Romney, and Lingle, and all of us who come from such a diverse background of -- of policy and of partisanship, all coming together at this time, recognizing he is the man that we need to leave"

Enough said. Thanks Sarah.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sickness and Politics

No entry yesterday due to some sort of flu or cold or something that became resurgent after a night of drinking on Sunday... or maybe it was actually most of the day. ANYWAY, I found it curious today that people actually ask what kind of suffering you actually experienced when your illness was at its worst. I guess they see it as genial empathy, but personally I think it's kind of rude. Unless you want to offer up the info, I'm certainly not going to ask how horrible you felt because to me, it sounds like either:

A. Disbelief in the fact that someone was actually sick

B. Getting details on suffering to make themselves feel better that you suffered instead of them, or

C. You don't actually know what happens when someone gets a cold or a flu, and not being completely over it, I'm more likely to cough on you to show you than tell you how it felt.

I WILL ask if you feel better, because that's all I really care about.

Anyway, I'm also looking forward to the VP debate tonight, more on that tomorrow...