Monday, October 6, 2008

Go Drew Brees, GO!

So I was watching some football yesterday, keeping an eye on my fantasy team when lo and behold, a highlight comes up wherein the quarterback of my team, Trent Edwards (whom I replaced Jay Cutler of the Broncos with at the last second, due to speculation of better performance) was struck in the head and chest, momentarily knocked unconscious and carted off the field with a concussion. At that point, I pretty much kissed any hope of winning this week goodbye, wished Trent Edwards the best through the aether and watched what turned out to be a few pretty entertaining games of football. So, I've decided to start going with my gut and common sense instead of listening to all the stupid hype these guys try to sell me. I was doing just fine before I took their advice. But if Drew Brees has a good game tonight, I may yet end up in 1st place for another week, despite my loss. Cross your fingers for him and me that he doesn't get knocked on his ass too. And yeah, I'm addicted to fantasy football now... all I can say in my defense is... better this than cigarettes!

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