Thursday, October 2, 2008

Sickness and Politics

No entry yesterday due to some sort of flu or cold or something that became resurgent after a night of drinking on Sunday... or maybe it was actually most of the day. ANYWAY, I found it curious today that people actually ask what kind of suffering you actually experienced when your illness was at its worst. I guess they see it as genial empathy, but personally I think it's kind of rude. Unless you want to offer up the info, I'm certainly not going to ask how horrible you felt because to me, it sounds like either:

A. Disbelief in the fact that someone was actually sick

B. Getting details on suffering to make themselves feel better that you suffered instead of them, or

C. You don't actually know what happens when someone gets a cold or a flu, and not being completely over it, I'm more likely to cough on you to show you than tell you how it felt.

I WILL ask if you feel better, because that's all I really care about.

Anyway, I'm also looking forward to the VP debate tonight, more on that tomorrow...

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