Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dreams and revelations

Last night I slept through the entire night without waking up for the first time in at least two weeks. I attributed this, of course, to the fact that I stayed up later than I have in at least two weeks the night before. Anyway, without the interruptions of somnia, I was able to have long, involving dreams. What I realized in the morning, however, is that all of the dreams I could remember were basically along exactly the same lines as my daily life. Nothing odd or out of place happened, just stuff I do and the average levels of emotion that go along with them. It then occurred to me that it's possible, without the odd or emotion raising elements, that my dreams had allowed me to complacently sleep through the night. So if my more odd dreams were waking me, why now were my dreams suddenly so... pedestrian? I suppose I must have reached some level of contentment in my life that hadn't really revealed itself to me previously but seemed to be relatively correct. I'm pretty happy. Shit... now what do I do?

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